Clients Goals and Objectives, Challenge
More and more Wholesalers in the apparel sector are moving into the Retail space. However, that move is not always an easy one, or an apparent one. Compounded by the fact that more consumers are spending time online, and are ‘social’, Retailers must adapt to the ever-changing world of ‘social commerce’ and ‘social buying’. Perinka International, a new entrant on the Retail market in baby clothing and accessories, introduced a new approach to social commerce and social shopping – leading with content and social engagement, and letting the audience decide when and how to buy product. The goal is to integrate all the major components of social engagement, supporting the mon and dad communities, by integrating content, eCommerce, consumer preferences via user generated content, inclusive of voting, review, contests, and other consumer oriented behavioral elements.
Business/Marketing Strategy and Implementation
Perinka International strongly believes in the power of word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing and hence hired Social2B to build and deploy an integrated social media marketing platform, consisting of an interactive website based on the WordPress content management system and Magento social commerce engine, blog components, and a number of integrated social media marketing profiles on Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. This tightly integrated ‘social platform’ lends itself extremely well to SEO and SEM activity, as well as social shopping environment. Many features are integrated into the platform, such as automated email list management, connected to the leasing email marketing services, such as ConstantContact, MailChimp, and other. Additionally, Social2B has implemented an integrated EDI functionality to connect Perinka’s ‘social commerce architecture’ to the back-end inventory and warehouse system, providing dynamic updates on inventory, product positions, and other elements.
Platform and Technologies Selected
An integrated web architecture based on the WordPress Social and Content Management Platform and Magento Social Commerce Platform connected with public social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. A number of social elements, inclusive of voting, reviews, and other consumer engagement components.
Outcome, Performance and Next Steps
The American consumer has accepted the ‘Social Commerce’ concept and has voted positively for the new Social Retail approach, allowing companies like Perinka to thrive and be more successful. The social media marketing strategy has given Perinka a unique advantage in targeting the US consumer and allowing it to express its opinion, leaving comments on Perinka blog, reaching a Twitter following quickly, and sharing ideas and sentiment on Facebook.